Glitter Lambs Black Holographic Body, Face & Hair Loose Glitter Pots

Glitter Lambs Black & Charcoal Gray Holographic Body, Face, and Hair Glitter Zombie Apocalypse, Trapped In The Matrix I Have The Code, Galaxy, Licorice, Cyberpunk AI Controlled Dream, You're Not Gonna Drag Me Down, Time Warp
Glitter Lambs Black & Charcoal Gray Holographic Body, Face & Hair Glitter
Zombie Apocalypse
Trapped In The Matrix - I Have The Code
Cyberpunk AI - Controlled Dream
You're Not Gonna Drag Me Down
Time Warp
Glitter Lambs Black and Charcoal Holographic Body Face Hair Glitter by
Glitter Lambs "Zombie Apocalypse" body glitter is a black glitter in a .002 size. This is an extremely small tiny cut glitter. You will only see the rainbow prism shift in this glitter in natural/outdoor sunlight. If it's overcast outside then the glitter will look like just a black glitter with no holo. Indoors this glitter will look black. **THIS IS A .002 GLITTER! Smaller glitters WILL NOT show the rainbow prism effect near as strong. If your looking for a heavy stronger rainbow prism shift then you will need to go with a larger size of glitter*****ONLY THE SUNLIGHT OUTSIDE WILL BRING OUT THE SCREAMS IN THESE ZOMBIES! lol
 Glitter Lambs "Trapped In The Matrix" is a charcoal holographic .015 body glitter.
Glitter Lambs "Galaxy" is a black micro fine holographic rainbow prism cosmetic makeup body glitter (.004).
Glitter Lambs Black Charcoal and Black Holographic Body Face Hair Glitter By Glitter Pots
 Glitter Lambs "Trapped In The Matrix - I Have The Code" is a charcoal holographic .015 body glitter.
 Glitter Lambs "Galaxy" is a black micro fine holographic rainbow prism cosmetic makeup body glitter (.004).
Glitter Lambs "Licorice" is a black holographic .008 makeup body glitter that has a slight rainbow prism shift to it.
Black Body, Face & Hair Glitter In Pots by Cyberpunk AI - Controlled Dream You're Not Gonna Drag Me Down Time Warp
Glitter Lambs "Cyberpunk AI-Controlled Dream" is a black holographic glitter (.015) glitter.
Glitter Lambs "You're Not Gonna Drag Me Down" is a charcoal gray holographic .008 body glitter that has a holo rainbow shift.
Glitter Lambs "Time Warp" is a micro fine holographic rainbow prism cosmetic charcoal gray body glitter (.004).
Glitter Lambs Body Face Hair Glitter Pots in Black Holographic Glitter Pots

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