
    These section will have glitters and also other mixes that will contain beads and clay pieces. Great for arts & crafts. Please conduct your own testing before using in final project. Please read listing descriptions and double check what size you are getting. Most items will come in a 5 gram bag or 12 gram bag. See how big the bags are at this link: CLICK HERE  If you are looking for the 15mL jars then they will only be in the HIDDEN secret collection at this link: CLICK HERE

    1027 products
    Playdough Glitter
    Playdough Glitter
    Baby Grinch Glitter
    Elf Magic
    Deja Vu Glitter
    Baby Grinch, Deja Vu, Pot Of Gold, Glitch In The Matrix, Daydreamer, Iced Sugar Toppings, Craft Room, Pure Ectoplasm Glitter
    Deja Vu
    Green Holographic Hollow Star glitter
    Pine Tree